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    Public interest in allotments has undergone a recent revival in line with current thinking on healthy eating, organic food and exercise. This has created a greater demand for allotments in some areas, which is critical to protecting them from a change of use in the future as a consequence of disuse or dereliction.

    Allotments are valuable green spaces and community assets that can help improve people's quality of life by promoting healthy food, exercise and community interaction. They are places that bring all sections of the community together and provide opportunities for people to grow their own produce as part of the long term promotion of sustainability and healthy living.

    Allotments in Wells

    Wells City Council lets 59 allotments at three different locations within the City of Wells.

    • 32 behind the Bishop's Palace
    • 17 at Burcott Road
    • 10 at Barnes Close

    Annual Fees

    Small plot  =  £55
    Large plot  =  £80

    Allotment Waiting List

    Due to the recent increase in allotment popularity, there is a long waiting list and the waiting list is reserved for people who live within the city boundary of Wells.  Please scroll to the bottom of this page to see a map showing the boundary.

    If you would like to add your name to our waiting list, please complete and sign the form which can be downloaded here: 
    Allotment Waiting List Application
    The form should be returned to the Town Hall reception and you will be notified when your details have been added to our list.
    If you are unable to print the document then please contact us at: with your name and address and we will post one to you.

    About council allotments

    Allotments are uniquely protected through the legislative and planning framework within the wider context of a firm national policy to improve the quality of urban green spaces.

    The government has strengthened the policies and protections afforded to allotments and in 2002 strengthened the criteria for disposing of statutory allotments and revised planning guidance (PPG17), within the wider context of a firm national policy to improve the quality of urban green spaces.

    The planning system through PPG17 (Planning for open space, sport and recreation) and PPS3 (Housing) provides a robust framework for the protection of urban green spaces including allotments and sets out that allotments should not be considered as previously developed land. PPG17 recognises allotments, community gardens and city farms in its typology of open spaces and sets out that Local Authorities should undertake robust assessments of the needs of their local community for open space.

    Allotments are further protected by specific legislation and their disposal is governed by a robust consents regime. To dispose of a statutory allotment a local authority musty obtain consent from the Secretary of State under Section 8 of the Allotments Act 1925.

    Interactive maps

    Allotment sites in Wells

    Open the allotments map in a new window

    Boundary of Wells

    Open the boundary map in a new window

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