Allotment Winners
Barnes Close
Gold -plot 27 Donna and Christopher Bryan
Silver Gilt – plot 23a Andrew Horsfield
Silver- Plot 22 – Tim Lippiatt
Burcott Rd
Gold-Plot 2-Helena Grant
Silver Gilt- Plot 9a-David Smith
Silver- Plot 5 Richard Crane
Bronze- Plot 9 Richard Page, Plot 10a-Heather Anderson
Bishop’s Palace
Gold-Plot 20- Jeanette Blackman
Silver Gilt- Plot 1-Michael Bauer
Silver-Plot 3a- Jane and Damian Stoupe, Plot 22- Fiona Dryden
Bronze -Plot 6-Jo Brown, Plot 9 Kath Bristow, Plot 12 Rob Parnell, Plot 13b Aisha Walden
Overall Gold
Barnes Close - plot 27 Donna and Christopher Bryan

Schools Winners
Wheelbarrow Category
Best Edible - Stepping Stones
Best Floral - Priddy Primary
Best Wildlife Friendly - Rockers and Rollers -1st prize
- Explorers Pre-school - 2nd Prize
School Gardens
Best Edible - East Harptree
Best Wildlife Friendly - Chewton Mendip Primary
Best Newcomer - St. Cuthbert Infants
Best Overall garden- St. Cuthbert Jr
Best Overall Wildlife Friendly- Horrington Pre-school
Best Wheelbarrow - St. Lawrence Primary School, Priddy
New award – Creative Gardening Award - Wookey Primary

Bishops Palace Gold- Jo Brown
Bishops Palace Silver Gilt- Shirley Garner
Bishops Palace Silver- Julie and Michael Bauer, Jeanette Blackman, Dr and Mrs D Stoupe,
Bronze- Kath Bristow, David Gait, Rob Parnell, Aisha Waldron,
Burcott Rd-Gold-Helena Grant & David Smith
Burcott Rd-Silver Gilt- Richard Crane
Burcott Rd-Silver-Heather Anderson
Barnes Close Gold-Christopher Bryan
Wells in Bloom Best Overall Allotments Winner- Sarah and David Smith
Wells in Bloom Commercial Gardens Awards 2023
Bronze- The Swan Hotel, The Rose and Crown
Silver- The Sun Inn
Silver Gilt- The Globe Inn
Gold- Wells Museum
Wells in Bloom Community Awards 2023
Bronze-Fletcher House
Silver- Wells Health Centre
Silver Gilt- Lawrence Centre, Anseres Place
Gold- Heads Up
Wells in Bloom Patio Awards 2023
Bronze- Julie and Michael Bauer
Silver- Colin Westley
Silver Gilt- Maria Symes, Jeanne Evans
Gold – April Bennett
Wells in Bloom Residential Front Awards 2023
Bronze-Margaret Robinson, Jennie Turner, Mary I’Anson, Tina and James Mercer, Sharon Brien
Silver- Steve and Josie Wood
Silver Gilt- Caroline &Andy Difford
Gold – Bill and Jean MacKay
Wells in Bloom Residential Back Awards 2023
Bronze- Angie Benoy, Sharon Brien, Jo Brown, Donna Bryan, Mary I’Anson, Ruth Lickford, Sheena Loveday, Tina and James Mercer, , Patricia Parfitt, Natasha Smith, Jennie Turner,
Silver- Richard Watts
Silver Gilt- Steve and Josie Wood, Mr and Mrs King
Gold- Jacky and Dick Hodgson
Wells in Bloom Wildlife Friendly Awards 2023
Bronze- Donna Bryan
Silver-Margaret Robinson, Mary I’Anson,
Silver Gilt- Angie Benoy, Patricia Parfitt
Gold – Sharon Brien
Wells In Bloom Best Overall Garden Winner 2023- Jacky and Dick Hodgson

Back Gardens
Overall Gold-J Fairburn, Silver Gilt-S & J Wood, Silver-J Turner,
Bronze-S Loveday, P Parfait, L Frey, Mrs and Mrs King,
Wildlife Friendly-P Parfait
Front Gardens
Gold- J & B MacKay, Silver Gilt-J Turner, Silver-S & J Wood, Bronze-T Perkins
Patio Gardens
Gold-C Costello, Silver Gilt-C Westley, Silver-J Ravenscroft, Bronze-A Bennett, B Buckley
Commercial Gardens
Gold-The Lawrence Centre, Silver Gilt- Fletcher Garden Club,
Silver-The City Arms, The Globe, Bronze-The Quarter Jack, Wells Health Centre, The Crown
Barnes Road
Bishops Palace
Burcott Road