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Neighbourhood Plan

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    Wells Neighbourhood Plan Process & Documents

    The Plan

    The Neighbourhood Plan for Wells was submitted to Mendip District Council on 27th March 2023.  Following the public consultation, which was carried out between 5th September 2022 and 11th November 2022, the plan was amended in response to the comments that were received from the statutory consultees and residents of Wells.

    The policies and projects within this Plan are based on a significant body of evidence.  This is made up of documents which were produced by Wells City Council as well as evidence produced by the District Council for the Local Plan.

    These documents can be viewed below:

    Wells Neighbourhood Plan


    Appendix 1 - Wells Design Guide

    Appendix 2 - Masterplan - design studies and options for 3 sites in Wells allocated for housing

    Appendix 3 - City of Wells Housing Needs Assessment Final Report

    Appendix 4 - Assessment of Local Green Spaces and Open and Recreation Spaces with photos

    Appendix 5 - Plans of Local Green Spaces and Open and Recreation Spaces

    Appendix 6 - Tree planting guidance for planners, developers and residents

    Appendix 7 - Independent Examiner's Report on the Wells Neighbourhood Development Plan


    Mendip District Council Local Plan 2006 – 2029

    Mendip Local Plan Part 1

    Mendip Local Plan Part 2


    The Consultation Process

    Accompanying the Plan is the Consultation Statement which sets out how the consultation process was carried out:

    Consultation Statement


    Basic Conditions Statement

    A Basic Conditions Statement setting out how the draft Plan meets the basic conditions must accompany the Plan when it is submitted to the local planning authority.

    Strategic Environmental Assessment

    In some limited circumstances, where a neighbourhood plan could have significant environmental effects, it may fall within the scope of the Environmental Assessment of Plan and Programmes Regulations 2004 and so require a strategic environmental assessment.  One of the basic conditions that will be tested by the Independent Examiner is whether the making of the neighbourhood plan is compatible with the European Union obligations (including under the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive).

    A screening report has been prepared for the Wells Neighbourhood Plan which concludes that a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Plan is not required.


    The Basic Conditions Statement and Screening Report for the Wells Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed below:

    Basic Conditions Statement

    Strategic Environmental Assessment & Habitat Regulations Screening


    Final Steps

    The local planning authority (from 1.4.23 Somerset Council) publicised the Plan for a minimum of six weeks, invited representations, notified each consultation body referred to in the Consultation Statement and sent the Plan to independent examination.

    In September 2023, the Independent Examiner tested whether or not the Plan meets the basic conditions and accepted the Plan with minor modifications.  The local planning authority decided to send the Plan to a referendum set for the 25th January 2024.

    If the majority of those who vote in a referendum are in favour of the Plan, then the Plan must be made (brought into legal force) by the local planning authority.

    Referendum Results

    Following the referendum which took place on 25th January, the results can be seen on the link below:

              Wells Neighbourhood Plan Area Referendum Results 25.01.24 

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