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    01 August 2023

    Ambassadors thanked and praised

    Ambassadors thanked and praised

    More Wells Ambassadors than ever are out and about meeting and greeting visitors to the city. 

    There are now 27 in this team of volunteers who welcome visitors, handing out maps and pointing out what there is to see in Wells. 
    To thank the Ambassadors for boosting the city’s visitor economy a drinks reception was laid on for them yesterday afternoon in Wells Museum, where they were praised by Ross Young who started this initiative in 2021.

    “Many, many locals come up to me and thank the Ambassadors for all we do,” said Ross. “Visitors are particularly pleased when we point out Vicars’ Close, which a surprising number of locals don’t know about.”
    Ross had special praise for Mel Townsend who was on Ambassador duty outside the cathedral when a lady fell over.
    “There was blood everywhere,” said Ross, “but Mel was able to find a First Aider in the cathedral and stayed with the lady till she felt better. Then Mel booked a taxi with her mobile phone to take the injured lady home.”
    Wells City Council paid for the drinks and room hire to show their appreciation for the Ambassadors’ efforts.

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