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    07 February 2022

    RECAP: Wells Goes Green Workshop

    RECAP: Wells Goes Green Workshop

    On Saturday, we held our first Wells Goes Green workshop, highlighting ways you can reduce your energy consumption at home! Heating our homes is one of the highest contributors to Wells’ carbon emissions (according to the IMPACT tool ) and not to mention, with energy prices rising, there has never been a better time to reduce demand.

    We would like to thank Kate from the Centre of Sustainable Energy for giving a great presentation, filled with tips and advice! We would also like to thank the representative from Avalon Community Energy, Sustainable Wells and Making Space Wells for joining us and highlighting their work.
    You can find more information on their websites:

    IMPACT tool: 

    If you have any questions about grants/ funding that may be available to you for retrofitting your home, you can contact the Centre for Sustainable Energy for free. More information is available on their website: 

    Keep an eye on our website for updates on the next Wells Goes Green Projects! Here are a few photos from the event


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