Wells Recreation Ground Entrance Signs to Be Removed and Refurbished with Support from the Women’s Institute
Wells City Council is delighted to announce the upcoming removal and refurbishment of the entrance signs at Wells Recreation Ground, with special support from Wells Monday WI, a branch of the National Federation of Women's Institute (NFWI). This collaborative effort is part of a broader initiative to enhance the park’s appeal and preserve its welcoming atmosphere for residents and visitors alike.
The existing entrance signs, which have been a familiar sight for years, will be temporarily removed starting 17.03.25 to undergo refurbishment. This includes cleaning, repairing, and repainting the signs to restore their charm while ensuring they remain a proud symbol of the community. The repainting will be generously supported by the WI, whose members have volunteered both time and resources to this project. The newly refurbished signs are expected to be reinstalled by 15.04.25
Wells Monday WI members are delighted to take part in an initiative which will restore the existing signage and which tell the story of the gift of the Bishop's Barn and Recreation Ground, in 1887, by Bishop Lord Arthur Hervey to the City of Wells.
Recycling the metal signs will reduce the need to use plastics in signage on the Recreation Ground. NFWI supports and campaigns on Climate and Environmental issues, which are core values of the WI.
On behalf of the Outside Spaces committee, Chair, Cllr Deborah Orrett would like to thank the WI and the Outside Spaces team for this welcomed enhancement.
We all appreciate how important the recreation ground is to our residents.