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    25 July 2024

    5th/7th Wells Scout Group

    5th/7th Wells Scout Group

    The Mayor of Wells, Councillor Jasmine Browne has chosen the 5th/7th Wells Scout Group as her Charity this year.

    On Thursday 25th July, three young members of the 5th/7th Wells Scout Group, accompanied by adult leaders, were invited by the Mayor to give a presentation to Wells City Council about what being in Scouts meant to them and what it had helped them to achieve. They spoke of the confidence it had given them, the volunteering opportunities they had enjoyed (including raising money for a trip to Kenya to work with underprivileged children), the friends they had made and the doors it had opened up for them.
    The young people were both impressive and inspirational and are an asset to the 5th/7th Wells Scout Group and to the City of Wells.

    The 5th/7th Wells group currently covers Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers with an age range from 4 to 18 years old. There are currently 130 young people that use the Scout facilities throughout the week and there is a long waiting list of around 70 children.

    The Scout Hut (in the grounds of the Blue School, Wells) is the heart of scouting activities, providing a safe and welcoming space for the Scouts to learn, grow, and engage in various educational and recreational activities. However, over time, wear and tear and age have taken a toll on the facilities and the Scouts are now looking to increase fundraising activities to raise money in order to refurbish the Scout Hut.

    Some examples of refurbishment plans are:
    • To create an even more functional and enjoyable space by replacing the old ceiling in the main hall and adding sound dampening panels. This would make the sessions more enjoyable for all and would be more inclusive for those with sensory issues.
    • To refurbish the current toilets and shower room, to make them more modern, more attractive and more accessible. This would provide better provision for everyone that uses them.
    To do this, the Scouts have launched a fundraising campaign which will include holding events with the Mayor throughout her Mayoral year.

    Mayor's Diary News

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